France Télévisions partner of the Fête de la science for its 31st edition

For the 31st edition of the Science FestivalFrance Télévisions is deploying a special programming throughout the event with in particular on October 12, the broadcast of 3 opus of the “World of Jamy”.

The great adventure of taste

Of all our senses, taste is the most powerful and the most complex: it mobilizes our sight, our hearing and our memory! In this gourmet issue, nourished by playful experiments and scientific experiments, Jamy teaches us to tame our taste for feed ourselves better.

Climate: France under water

Because of global warming, we are going to face more and more often extreme phenomena like floods. With its 100,000 rivers, France is particularly vulnerable. Floods are the leading cause of natural disasters in our country. One in four French people is exposed to this risk.

They save us, they heal us: these animals that do us good

They are our most faithful companions, understand our language and have an exceptional sense of smell: dogs are precious allies to protect us, help us. Thanks to recent scientific discoveries, we also use dogs, and even horses, to treat us!

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