The broadcast of the documentary is part of the Day of Remembrance of Genocides and Crimes Against Humanity, commemorated on January 27.
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France Télévisions will broadcast, on January 30, Holocaust (1985), the event film by Claude Lanzmann, on France 2 from 9:10 p.m., on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance of Genocides and Crimes Against Humanity, commemorated on January 27. Proclaimed in 2005 by the United Nations General Assembly, this date also marks the anniversary of the liberation of the German Nazi concentration and extermination camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau (1940-1945) by the Soviet army.
The film Holocaustas it was released in theaters in 1985, lasts 570 minutes, or 9h30. The documentary by Claude Lanzmann, who died in 2018 at the age of 92 years, is divided into two periods and is not recommended for at least 10 years.
Hailed by the international press as a cinematographic and historical event, Holocaust brings to life, without a single archival document, the extermination of European Jews by the Nazis during the Second World War. “I chose protagonists capable of reliving this and to relive it they had to pay the highest price, that is, suffer while telling me this story,” explained Claude Lanzmann when the film was released.
Questioned about his documentary, he recalled the difference between extermination and concentration camps, as well as that between the Hebrew term “Shoah” (which notably means “storm”, “catastrophe”, “annihilation” or even “absolute destruction”) and “Holocaust.” In his film, Lanzmann has victims and executioners testify, who “spoke for the first time in forty years”. After its broadcast, Holocaust will be available on from January 31 for 30 days.