France takes the lead from the start against Argentina (3-0)

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9:11 p.m. : @felis catus You must therefore prefer the design of the Argentinian jersey, ultra classic 🙂

9:10 p.m. : The tricolor ribbon is not so shocking in my eyes – if it had been placed in the front, it would have made elected of the Republic on the other hand. But the overall design doesn’t do rugby. I like polo shirts with a collar …

9:05 p.m. : And already for the Blues thanks to an entry penalty from Melvyn Jaminet of 35 meters. The French started off on a high basis at the start of the match.

9:04 p.m. : I also ticked on the jersey, but I have seen worse 🙂

9:03 p.m. : Belle Marseillaise but what are these jerseys of the France team. Not happy this mix … I will not buy this jersey. Good game

9:03 p.m. : A tricolor scarf has appeared on the back of the Blues jersey. Here in writing, the feeling is mixed. And at your home ?

9:01 p.m. : What a beautiful Marseillaise! Good match everyone

9:00 p.m. : Let’s go for this test-match between the France and theArgentina, after a vibrant Marseillaise resumed in chorus by the 50,000 spectators of the Stade de France (the top ring is closed, but it still makes noise).

9:00 p.m. : @Guillaume 8 degrees, and not a lot of wind, we had worse on November 6th, don’t you think? Well, rugby supporters often coming from the south, they often have a bit of trouble with the temperatures in the north of the Loire 🙂

8:59 p.m. : It does not seem to be hot at the Stade de France! 🙂

8:59 p.m. : Argentines are better in rugby than in singing. Not hard!

8:56 p.m. : @Loulou and @Thomas Small typo of the federation in his tweet. Its author will have to eat a puma steak with springbok sauce 🙂

8:55 p.m. : Argentina changed flag?

8:55 p.m. : A small shell has slipped on the representation of the Argentinian flag … The one displayed being that of South Africa …

8:49 p.m. : “We will play with the spectators and for them.”

The coach of the Blues welcomes the reunion between the XV of France and his audience at the microphone of France 2.


8:43 p.m. : The kick-off for France-Argentina is in 20 minutes. The Blues do not spare themselves in the warm-up before facing the Pumas.

8:08 p.m. : 38-5 for the blues !!

8:06 p.m. : A huge hinge, a stratospheric captain, NTamack in 12, a bench of finishers who are the best in their posts… 45-19

8:06 p.m. : Come on, I try a 25-13 for the Blues, I prefer not to advance too far, we have already seen underdogs come back despite a solid team …

8:06 p.m. : I am also an optismist, 24 – 12 for France!

8:06 p.m. : I never understood anything in the counting of points in rugby 🙁 but I bet for the victory of the Blues ??? with a very close match

8:06 p.m. : It’s time for your predictions for this eagerly awaited France-Argentina!

8:00 p.m. : It is 8 pm, time to regret not having chosen the gourmet coffee this lunchtime at the restaurant and to nibble the gourmet coffee of the news, sorry, the point on the news.

The fear of the gendarme? More than 60,000 people have reserved a time slot to be vaccinated on Doctolib before Emmanuel Macron’s speech on Tuesday evening.

Demonstrations have taken place around the world, and in several cities in France, against climate inaction while the COP26 is in full swing. Our report.

Thomas Pesquet is preparing to leave the International Space Station after a six-month stay. Take off of the capsule scheduled for tomorrow and return to the cow floor on Monday.

It’s the return of the XV of France with an enticing test-match against Argentina. Kick-off in an hour, to follow here in this direct.

19:44 : @Guillaume Oh no, not at all ! I’m optimistic, the prospect of seeing Mathieu Jalibert and Romain Ntamack lined up together makes me salivate. Let’s say a solid 30-12 for the Blues! It’s up to you in the comments 🙂

7:43 p.m. : Good evening Pierre, is it too early for a prognosis on France-Argentina tonight?

8:00 p.m. : Do you feel the atmosphere rising near the Stade de France one hour before the kick-off of France-Argentina? Our special correspondent Elio Bono makes you experience the rise in temperature on the forecourt as if you were there.

6:59 p.m. : @Julian And they even managed to save a 118-year-old unbeaten streak against rival and neighbor Montauban on Thursday night in this Pro D2 derby. Convincing victory against Montalbanais strong marris, 41-17, who will be keen to catch up next spring for the return match.

6:59 p.m. : Hello Pierre. You are away for a few days and Agen takes the opportunity to end his streak of 600 days without a win and get out of the red zone of proD2 🙂 Welcome back to live.

5:22 p.m. : @Felis Catus Indeed, there is a fashion for the mullet cut a little afro among the All Blacks, who also have Jack Goodhue as a headliner, whose cut recalls the heyday of McGyver or Tony Vairelles, hair purists will appreciate: – )

Note that among the French, Mathieu Jalibert had been criticized for his capillary eccentricities (rather on the variable color of his hair) and had regretted that the world of the oval ball was much more conservative than that of the round ball. Times may be changing.

17:37 : Good evening Pierre, happy to read you! I repeat my question because, definitely, my eyes sting. What is this hair fad among rugby players? The All Blacks earlier, and now the English – even if that seems a little less assumed. Mules, mules everywhere! I have never seen such a concentration per square meter … Is there an explanation?

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