It will therefore be necessary to advance clocks and other alarm clocks by 60 minutes, which will take away an hour of sleep.
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We go to summer time. Sunday March 26, France will change time. At two o’clock in the morning on the night of Saturday to Sunday, it will be three o’clock. It will therefore be necessary to think of advancing clocks and other alarm clocks by 60 minutes, which will take away an hour of sleep. But it will be possible to enjoy a little more light at the end of the day.
A change that we must try to live smoothly, reminds the journalist and doctor Damien Mascret to France 3. It is important “because the correct adjustment of our biological clock via sunlight will affect our mood, our memory and more broadly the performance of our brain”, he explained. Besides, “researchers from the University of Colorado have shown that there was a 6% increase in fatal road accidents during 5 days following the time change”recalled the doctor.