France strengthens its funding for feminist organizations

In 2019, France created a French Fund to support feminist organizations. It will now benefit from 250 million euros over 5 years, announced the French Secretary of State for Development, Chrysoula Zacharopoulou.


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Afghan women return to class in Afghanistan, November 14, 2019. (GUILLAUME PINON / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

France is strengthening its aid for women. In 2019, France created a French Fund to support feminist organizations which will now benefit from 250 million euros over five years. “In three years, this fund has mobilized 134 million euros for the benefit of 1,000 associations in 75 countries”she explained on Sunday September 17 Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, French Secretary of State for Development. “Thanks to this fund, France has become the leading financier of feminist organizations in the world”she congratulated herself.

She participated on Sunday in New York in the mid-term review of the Generation Equality Forum as part of the day dedicated to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by UN Member States in 2015 to build a better and more sustainable future. by 2030. In 2021, this Forum had “made strong commitments”recalled the Secretary of State. “We must hold them. We owe it to Iranian women, to Afghan women, to all women who suffer injustice and violence around the world”she continued.

She finally called“all States to make new commitments”and to put women at the center, repeating the words of the Secretary General of the United Nations, while women’s rights are “constantly, and sometimes violently, called into question” in the world, she lamented.

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