France rolls out the red carpet

The red carpet, both literally and figuratively: the Republican Guard escort, dinner at the Grand Trianon in Versailles… Not to mention, it’s tradition, the insignia of the Grand Cross of the Order national of the Legion of Honor.

France pulls out all the stops for MBZ, appointed head of state in May after the death of his half-brother. MBZ which therefore offers France its first official trip to the Western world, in the same way as in 2017 Emmanuel Macron went to the Emirates for his first trip to the Arab world. Proof, if one were needed, of the excellent relations between Paris and Abu Dhabi.

Strategically, both countries harbor the same fears about Iran and its nuclear program; they are two adversaries of political Islam. Lhe main ally of France in the Persian Gulf is no longer Saudi Arabia, as under François Hollande’s five-year term, but the Emirates, linked by a partnership centered on the military domain.

It was in Abu Dhabi in 2009 that France set up its only permanent base in the region, in Al Dhafra. Ua strategic location that offers projection capacity in the Middle East and ensures access to hydrocarbons from the Gulf. She has in particular served during the airlift set up to evacuate foreigners and Afghans from Kabul in August 2021, after the Taliban took over.

The Emirates are also becoming one of the biggest customers of our arms industry. In December Emmanuel Macron’s visit in December was accompanied by the sale of 80 Rafale, a historic order of 16 billion euros for Dassault.
Without forgetting, for the showcase, prestigious cultural initiatives: the University of Paris-Sorbonne or the Louvre Museum both have a branch in Abu Dhabi. The “Louvre of the desert”, symbol of France’s influence, architectural gem by Jean Nouvel

The advantage with MBZ, at the head of a federation of seven extremely wealthy emirates, is that he never hesitates to take out the checkbook. With the bosses of Thalès, Edf, Total or Veolia who took part yesterday in the dinner of the Grand Trianon, contracts were signed for the management of waste, water, for transport. Joint investments are planned in hydrogen, nuclear or renewable energies.

And for energies period, it’s now: with the war in Ukraine and the embargo on Russian oil, does France want to diversify its sources of supply? The Emirates are there. Third largest oil producer in the Gulf, after Iraq and Saudi Arabia, they are selling us more and more refined petroleum products (1.5 billion euros in 2019); this time it’s a novelty, they are committed to providing diesel to guarantee our supply.

But it will be difficult to go further, in particular by producing more oil to lower prices as demanded by France and the United States. Abu Dhabi says it is at the maximum of its capacity, constrained by its commitments within OPEC and above all very careful not to get angry with Vladimir Putin.

This is the downside: a real divergence with France. The Russian president is not considered a pariah in the Emirates, any more than is the Syrian president, Bashar el-Assad, recently received on an official visit to the petromonarchy. The Elysée assumes: “We don’t have the same approach, it’s common knowledge, but that doesn’t prevent us from working together”.

More difficult to defend, the question of silence on human rights. HAS Abu Dhabi, civil liberties do not exist. Calling for reforms can lead to prison, blogger Ahmed Mansoor paid the price, sentenced to ten years in prison in 2018 for having, according to the authorities, criticized the Emirati authorities and
tarnished the status and prestige of the United Arab Emirates“by publishing”false information on social networks“NGOs such as Reporters Without Borders and Human Rights Watch, which are calling for his release, explain that the “energy discussions and contracts do not justify putting under the rug“the actions of the”small dictatorship“what is the UAE today

There are also criticisms of France’s arms sales in the Gulf, as Abu Dhabi joined the Saudi-led coalition in the war in Yemen against pro-Iranian Hutist rebels. The “worst humanitarian disaster in the world” according to the UN. NGOs call on Paris to suspend all arms sales, as the material is used against civilian populations”in violation of the rules of international law“. On this subject too, the French authorities prefer to remain silent.

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