France returns works to Benin



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On a visit to Benin, Emmanuel Macron reiterated his desire to return, as soon as possible, the works looted in Africa by colonial troops in the 19th century.

Emmanuel Macron has shown his intention to speed up the restitution of works looted in Africa in the 19th century. He took advantage of a Benin cultural exhibition to confirm this intention. “This exhibition has symbolic value. France returned its works to Benin last year. It was the first time that Paris returned works stolen from an African country”explains Christelle Méral, special correspondent in Cotonou. “These royal treasures from a palace in Benin had been looted in the 19th century by French colonial troops. The restitution process was long. Almost three years, because France had a right of ownership over these works”she continues.

In this line, the French government would like to have Parliament adopt a framework law to facilitate the return of stolen works to various African countries, starting next year. “This restitution symbolizes the new policy that France wants to carry out in Africa, to return part of their heritage to these countries. In Benin, more than 200,000 people visited this exhibition which allows them to reconnect with their identity and their culture”concludes Christelle Méral.

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