France: parades to defend women’s rights

Two years after taking measures they deem unsatisfactory against domestic violence, thousands of people gathered on Saturday in several cities in France to defend women’s rights, hoping to be heard five months before the presidential election.

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“Impunity must end. Equality education must become a priority, ”hammered the call for demonstrations, carried by the feminist collective #NousToutes and about sixty associations, unions and political parties.

Organized ahead of the international day against violence against women, on November 25, the Parisian demonstration brought together 50,000 people according to the organizers, 18,000 according to the police headquarters.


It is half less than the demonstration organized two years ago, followed by 100,000 people according to the demonstrators (35,000 according to the police).

“Violence is not inevitable, it can stop,” assured journalists Marylie Breuil, of the collective #NousToutes, in the Parisian procession. She said she expected presidential candidates [d’avril 2022] “Strong commitments in terms of prevention”.

The Minister Delegate for Gender Equality, Elisabeth Moreno, defended the government’s action on Saturday on Europe 1 radio, citing a 60% increase in the number of emergency accommodation places, police training, setting up anti-reconciliation bracelets and emergency telephones for women victims of violence.


“Each feminicide is one too many femicide, but we can see that all these actions are starting to bear fruit,” she said.

But for Sandrine Bouchait, president of the National Union of Feminicide Families present at the demonstration, “there were almost 600 women murdered during the five-year term, it was supposed to be a great national cause, but the figures are almost the same than those of the previous five-year term, it’s a joke ”.

In France, some 220,000 women are victims of violence and 94,000 are raped each year, according to #NousToutes. Since January 1, 101 women have been killed by their spouses, according to the count of the collective “Feminicides by companion or ex”.


“It is no longer possible to tolerate this violence on half of humanity,” declared the Greens presidential candidate Yannick Jadot, present in the Parisian procession and for whom “we need training, resources for them. emergency accommodation ”.

Protesters are calling for more accommodation for women fleeing their abusive spouses. Currently, around 40% of victims are not offered any accommodation solution, and only 12% get a suitable place, with legal support.


SOS domestic violence


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