France “not immune to these fundamental and indisputable rights being called into question”, considers Adrien Quatennens (LFI)



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The member of the North proposes to all the groups of the Assembly to table a common bill.

“We are not immune to these fundamental and indisputable rights” like the right to abortion “be called into question” in France, “according to the political alternations and the powers that could come into place”estimates Adrien Quatennens, coordinator of La France insoumise, deputy of the North, guest of Questions politique Sunday June 26 on France Inter, franceinfo and Le Monde.

The LFI group “proposes to table a common bill, to all the groups of the National Assembly who would like to work on it, because obviously on this subject we absolutely have to stand up and what must dictate first and foremost our action c is the fact of protecting this right”.

While the Renaissance group of the presidential majority in the Assembly has tabled a bill to include the right to abortion in the French Constitution, Adrien Quatennens recalls that the deputies La France insoumise had already tabled a bill in this meaning in 2019 and that it had been refused by the presidential majority.

>> Infographic: Abortion in the United States: the decision of the Supreme Court, the final stage of fifty years of attacks against abortion

Asked about his fears of an imminent challenge to the right to abortion in France, Adrien Quatennens answers “Always be careful”that the elected members of the National Rally are not “clear” on the subject and that certain speeches by Éric Zemmour, former presidential candidate, can “to imply that there are risks”.

The debate on the inclusion of the right to abortion in the Constitution started in France after the American Supreme Court buried a judgment which guaranteed the right to abortion in all the United States: “We are horrified by this decision of the Supreme Court of the United States. (…) It is a step back almost half a century ago and we first of all have a thought for all the American women who fight against this absolutely reactionary provision”he comments.

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