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Since the morning of Friday June 17, France no longer receives any Russian gas through the Nord Stream gas pipeline. This is the announcement made by the manager of the French network GRTGazwhich nevertheless aims to be reassuring as to the filling of French stocks.
Will we have enough gas this winter for cooking and heating? This is the worrying question that arises on the morning of Friday, June 17, because, for two days, one of the supply taps has been cut. France no longer receives any Russian gas from the Nord Stream gas pipeline, which passes by Germany. Gazpromthe Russian supplier, followed through on its threats. “Our product, our rules, we don’t play by rules we didn’t make“, thus declared Alexei Miller, CEO of Gazprom.
But, for the French network operator, GRTGaz, there is no reason to panic: stocks are at an already high level this year, more than in previous years. However, France only has a few months left to find suppliers other than Russia. This situation is already driving up gas prices on the markets. If the tariff shield protects individuals until the end of the year, this is not the case for businesses or local authorities.