France no longer receives Russian gas by pipeline

GRTgaz says it does not know the cause of this cut. The latter, however, comes at a time when Gazprom has considerably reduced gas deliveries to Germany, via the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline.

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The tap has been turned off. The operator of the French gas transport network announced on Friday June 17 that it would no longer receive Russian gas by pipeline since June 15, due to “the interruption of the physical flow between France and Germany”. Flows had already been reduced by 60% since the start of the year and this import point was already operating at only 10% of its capacity “at the beginning of 2022”, according to GRTgaz. For two days, the supply has fallen to zero.

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France relies on Russia for around 17% of its gas, which can arrive by pipeline or in liquid form by LNG carriers. The vast majority of imported gas usually arrived by pipeline, through this single point of interconnection with Germany. GRTgaz says it does not know the cause of this cut. The latter, however, comes at a time when Gazprom has considerably reduced gas deliveries to Germany, via the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline.

France imports gas from other countries, including Spain, which has recently increased its deliveries. Above all, it has increased its purchases of liquefied natural gas (LNG), which arrives by LNG tanker in terminals close to their technical maximum, according to GRTgaz.

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