France must “put its susceptibility in its pocket” says former Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin

“We must measure this very special relationship that exists between France and Morocco. It is not only 2 million Moroccans or dual nationals living in France, there are also 5,000 French people living there and 4 million tourists every year”, explains Dominique de Villepin.

The relationships are “difficult” between Emmanuel Macron and the King of Morocco Mohammed VI, estimated Monday September 11 on franceinfo Dominique de Villepin, former Prime Minister. “We have never experienced such a lasting accumulation of tensions”he added.

>> Earthquake in Morocco: follow the live

Morocco, hit hard by an earthquake in the Marrakech region, has officially authorized aid from Spain, Great Britain, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates, but not that from France. “We must be humble”explains the former diplomat. “It is important for France to put its flag in its pocket”he estimated.

The desire on the part of the Moroccan authorities to ignore French aid can be explained by diplomatic tensions, but not only, according to him. The decision to accept foreign aid is a matter of “technical argument” For “guarantee effectiveness” aid planning, he explains. It is “a very serious argument. We must plan and organize over time to ensure that all of this will be effective”he justifies.

“We must beware of erroneous interpretations”

Dominique de Villepin called for “to overcome the sensitivities that could be expressed. It is important for France to put its flag in its pocket, to put its sensibilities in its pocket and to ensure that French aid can be delivered by all possible means and in particular through private channels or through a European channel”did he declare.

The former minister assured that the King of Morocco “will be there in this drama” what his country is going through while Western voices are surprised by its silence: “The Cherifian monarchy does not function like a country like France. The king is an extremely discreet man, which does not mean that he is not very present among his people. We must be careful not to erroneous interpretations of what is happening today in Morocco”he said.

Dominique de Villepin, born in Rabat, shares his “his deep emotion” after the earthquake which caused the death of at least 2,100 people according to a provisional report. “We must measure this very special relationship that exists between France and Morocco. It is not only 2 million Moroccans or dual nationals living in France, there are also 5,000 French people living there and 4 million tourists every year. It’s a considerable emotion”he assures.

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