Video length: 1 min
Cancer: France lags behind in prevention and screening compared to its European neighbors
Cancer: France lags behind in prevention and screening compared to its European neighbors
In France, the breast cancer screening rate is 46.9%, compared to 54% at European level. Oncologists recall the importance of prevention campaigns.
In Europe, when it comes to preventing and detecting cancer, France is a bad student. According to a report from the European Cancer Organization, France has fallen behind in the detection of these diseases. The largest gap concerns breast cancer. In our country, the screening rate is 46.9%, compared to 54% at European level. Oncologists emphasize the importance of prevention campaigns.
France excels at treating tumors
These poor results can also be explained by insufficient vaccination coverage against certain infections, such as the papillomavirus, responsible for many cervical cancers, by greater consumption of tobacco and alcohol than among our European neighbors and by a lack of doctors and nurses which prevents access to care. If France is lagging behind in detecting these tumors, it nevertheless excels in treating them.