France issues two British ships for encroaching on its waters



Article written by

A.Bard, A.Peyrout, M.Septembre, C. Madini, e – France 3

France Televisions

The war continues on the fishing file between France and England. The country has tightened its controls and fined two British boats that came to fish on French territory. A pressure surge that was not to the liking of the British. The discussion is open, but common ground is not yet ready to be found.

The French gendarmerie forced an English ship to stay alongside at Le Havre (Seine-Maritime). Guilty of having fished in French waters, the captain of the vessel was handcuffed and escorted by the gendarmes. This scene represents a hardening of the tone of France, in the standoff between it and England. A warning which aims to obtain the fishing license which will allow French boats to fish in British waters.

For the moment, the government does not want to make any concessions, and intends to continue strengthening controls. “The escalation is not due to France. The British must respect their commitments. We have told the European Commission for several months that we would be intransigent”, launched the Minister of the Interior, Jean Castex. An offensive that delighted French fishermen, many of whom await the precious sesame delivered by the English.

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