France is doing better than the UK

Women make up less than a quarter of promotions to senior positions in the UK finance sector. A study comes to break some received ideas in the country which is nevertheless presented as a pillar in terms of financial services.

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Women make up less than a quarter of promotions to senior positions in the UK finance sector. This is a study by the British law firm Fox and Partners. It counts only 1,360 women out of 5,800 promotions and hires to management positions in financial services in London last year, or just 24%. It is progressing but very slowly. In 2020, the proportion was 21%.

While women remain under-represented at senior management level across the Channel, the Fox and Partners report shows that male directors at companies on the London stock market index earned two-thirds more income last year than women who sat on the same boards of directors. Amounts: 808,000 euros for men compared to 276,000 on average for women. The gap remains very significant.

23.5% of women in the financial sector in the United Kingdom against nearly 45% in France: we are doing much better even if there is still work. French companies dominate the ranking of the top ten financial institutions with the highest proportion of women in management teams. A ranking that we owe to companies such as the insurer Axa, the banks BPCE, Société Générale, BNP Paribas, Crédit Agricole and BNP Assurances.

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