Video length: 10 min
Heads of State Dinners: “France is at the center of the world”
Heads of State Dinners: “France is at the center of the world”
(France 2)
Charles Michel, the President of the European Council, was the guest of “Les 4 Vérités” on France 2, Friday July 26.
The Belgian President of the European Council attended the dinner for heads of state and government hosted by the Macron couple at the Louvre. “It was very good and we are happy to be here. We support this organization because it will be a great moment, France is at the center of the world”explains Charles Michel. Obviously, during this moment, several subjects were discussed, including the Olympic Games.
“They are a time for humanity to come together, for shared values around sport. When there are heads of state and government, it is also an opportunity to identify sport as a central vector for more inclusion, to reduce discrimination or to develop shared values, such as effort, surpassing oneself.”he continues. Asked about the need for France to reassure its political partners after the dissolution of the Assembly, the Belgian declares himself very confident. “We look at France and we see that there are very robust institutions”he explains.Heads of State Dinners: “France is at the center of the world”