France hit by unprecedented heat in the middle of autumn


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1 minute


From the southwest to the north of the country, temperatures are spectacularly high on Saturday September 30. They come to punctuate a month of September which was the hottest on record, and which bears witness to the climate crisis.

In the middle of autumn, in Villeneuve-d’Ascq (North), the sun shines, Saturday September 30. In a city park, joggers chose to go out early to find some fresh air. The mercury is expected to rise further in the coming days. The strongest heat is expected from the lower Rhône valley to Roussillon. It could be up to 35°C on Sunday. The whole of south-west France is expected to experience temperatures 10°C above seasonal norms.

A record month of September

In La Ciotat (Bouches-du-Rhône), the sky is barely cloudy and the water has only lost a few degrees. Some even take advantage of it to extend their summer. “This is the best time. People are on vacation a lot more than in the middle of summer, […] they are much more relaxed and without a source of stress“, smiles a waitress. But these heats are above all bad news: September was the hottest month ever recorded in France. A direct consequence of climate change.

source site-23