Every Friday, in the show #OnVousRépond, Gilles Bornstein receives a political personality to comment on the news of the week and give a voice to spectators who can directly ask their questions.
Reading time: 1 min

The deputy and coordinator of France Insoumise, Manuel Bompard was invited to answer questions from viewers and Gilles Bornstein on the set of the interactive show “#OnVousRépond”, Friday March 1 on franceinfo.
He reacted in particular to the statements of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Stéphane Séjourné, on the tragedy that occurred yesterday in Gaza during a humanitarian food distribution. For Manuel Bompard, “France has direct complicity in what is happening“ in the Palestinian enclave for almost five months. He notably mentioned, based on the declarations of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), “a risk of genocide”.
The radical left party executive also reacted to the statements of President Emmanuel Macron, who affirms that “nothing should be excluded”, regarding the sending of Western troops to Ukraine. For Manuel Bompard, the use of force against Vladimir Putin “don’t just express yourself in a military way”, it can also be diplomatic. For him, “the solution of diplomacy [est] complicated, but it’s the least complicated.”