France facing the fifth wave



Article written by

J. Benzina, P. Caron, France 3 Pays de la Loire, F. Fontaine – France 3

France Televisions

The government and the scientific council confirm it: France is indeed facing a 5th wave of Covid and has passed the threshold of 20,000 contaminations in 24 hours. The virus is progressing throughout the territory, the authorities are alerting but wanting to be reassuring.

The mask made its return to the markets on Wednesday November 17th. It is again compulsory in areas where the sanitary pass was requested, even outdoors. Almost everywhere in France, the indicators are on the rise. Why is the epidemic on the rise again? TO approaching winter, several factors collide “With the drop in temperatures, we go further indoors where we are more easily contaminated, to this is added the low vaccination coverage in France, and extreme contagion with the Delta variant”, explains Damien Mascret, doctor and journalist at France Télévisions. Result the incidence rate increases: 105 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

For the government, the fifth vague is there, but we must remain optimistic. Yet in some hospitals, the intensive care units are full and the medical teams are worried. “We are at saturation”, underlines Pr Christophe Guitton, head of the intensive care unit at the CHU du Mans. Among the avenues to contain the spread of the virus: encourage more teleworking and use all prevention tools more vigorously. “These tools are vaccination, reminder, barrier gestures and the health pass”, indicates Jean-François Delfraissy, President of the Scientific Council.

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