France, Europe’s worst student


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

M.Damoy, R.Asencio, V.Frédéric, L.Houeix A.Forveille, J.Weyl, L.Hauville – France 2

France Televisions

France currently has the highest rate of non-fatal work accidents in Europe. How to explain these numbers? Response elements.

Agriculture, construction and logistics are the three sectors with the most work-related accidents in France. In 2020, France counted 623,654 accidents at work. France is the worst student in Europe, followed by Denmark and Portugal. The most affected sector is construction with 53 accidents per 1,000 employees, compared to around 33 in the other sectors.

Suitable equipment

In Paris, an old building is undergoing major renovation, a site that is particularly at risk. Guillaume Channois, GCC Group Leader, says: “There is a whole series of protections that are put in place to protect against falling rubble, which is the main risk.” The company has also invested in suitable equipment. Measures which, according to the company, have made it possible to divide the number of accidents by five in five years. But, according to experts, even more support is needed. In France, less than 2% of the health budget is devoted to prevention.

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