(Paris) In the name of “stability” and before taking the floor by the end of the week, Emmanuel Macron confirmed Monday evening the maintenance at Matignon of Élisabeth Borne, who now intends to make “adjustments” in his government.
“To ensure stability and substantive work, the President of the Republic has decided to maintain the Prime Minister”, announced the entourage of the Head of State, who will explain “by the end of the week” in “recalling the clear course which is his,” according to the same source.
Immediately after this confirmation, Elisabeth Borne announced that she “wishes[ait] adjustments” for her government, according to Matignon, and that she “will propose them to the President of the Republic this week”.
“For nothing to change, nothing must change. The maintenance of Elisabeth Borne at Matignon reflects the dramatic disconnection of the President of the Republic who has lost all contact with the people and condemns the country to impotence and immobility”, reacted on Twitter the leader of the deputies. RN, Marine Le Pen.
Mr. Macron, traveling until Tuesday in Brussels, thus offers a first perspective on the outcome he intends to give to his “100 days”, decreed on April 17 in order to find an outlet for the pension crisis.
“The 100-day objective has been met and calm has returned”, after the riots which set France ablaze at the end of June, notes Mr. Macron’s entourage.
“July 14 was a success”, continues the same source, while fears of a new outbreak of violence on the occasion of the national holiday have not been confirmed.
“The country is moving forward. The executive must work and prepare for the start of the school year, ”he also welcomes.
In this context, Emmanuel Macron “intends to prepare for the start of the school year by recalling the clear course which is his and by bringing together strongly after this period”, we add from the same source, while for the time being, the executive has been unable to form a clear majority in the Assembly.
“Up to the Rope”
The riots at the end of June had initially put off the prospect of a reshuffle, but once the embers were extinguished, the rumors had resumed with renewed vigor, ranging from a simple technical adjustment to a change of prime minister.
The Head of State finally decided to “maintain” Mme Borne à Matignon… which also suggests that he thought of taking him away.

Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne and Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin
All against the background of the campaign of the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, invigorated by his management of the violence and who “has a deep aversion” for what Élisabeth Borne “embodies in terms of his relationship to politics and to people”, according to a Renaissance deputy. “This technocracy that has risen to power, it keeps people away,” she said.
But maybe in the end, Mr. Macron “wants to wear it out,” says a former minister. “And then it is true that there is not really an alternative which brings a majority”, adds the latter.
Prime Minister on borrowed time, Elisabeth Borne has already survived failed legislative elections more than a year ago, then 49.3 used to pass the highly contested pension reform in the spring, and multiple disagreements with the President of the Republic. .
But, resilient, without competition capable of really changing the game, it finally managed to anchor itself, laying its groundwork.
Combrexelle arrives at Matignon
She thus ensured ten days ago at the Parisian having “delivered” Emmanuel Macron’s 100-day roadmap on work, republican order, ecological transition and public health and education services. While agreeing in the wake, with unions and employers, of a new social agenda which projects it in the fall on its content.
She thus “imposed her calendar on the Élysée”, analyzed a framework of the majority.
She will therefore continue her lease started 14 months ago, with a new director of cabinet at the head of her team at Matignon: Jean-Denis Combrexelle, specialist in the Labor Code, appointed Monday morning.
Former president of the litigation section of the Council of State, Mr. Combrexelle led for thirteen years, under right-wing and then left-wing governments, the powerful general directorate of labor at the Ministry of Labor (2001-2014).
The appointment of Mr. Combrexelle, received rather favorably by the social partners, is timely for a government wishing to reconnect with social dialogue after the painful pension crisis.