France does not put itself in difficulty by supplying weapons to kyiv, according to the Minister of the Armed Forces

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France, which has been supplying Ukraine with military equipment since the start of the Russian invasion, is not making any transfers likely to endanger its security. Sébastien Lecornu, the Minister for the Armed Forces, assured this on Wednesday October 26 during a debate on the conflict in the Senate. Transfers are made “with the pragmatism that leads us to look at the reality of our stocks, but also the reality of the advice given to us by our generals”did he declare. This “pragmatism” does not lead France less “to draw conclusions” on the replenishment of its stocks of materials: for example, “the 18 Caesar guns that were given to Ukraine have been the subject of a new order since last July”, recalled the minister. Follow the situation in our live.

Violent clashes in the East. “Extremely fierce fighting” occur “near Bakhmout”a city in the Donetsk region in eastern Ukraine, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Wednesday. This locality has been a priority target of the Russian army for months. The troops in Moscow are desperate to achieve success after several setbacks since early September.

Vladimir Putin criticizes the new British Prime Minister. The Russian president did not congratulate Rishi Sunak on taking office because the UK is a country “unfriendly”, the Kremlin said. In parallel, the American president, Joe Biden, congratulated the head of the British government on Tuesday and agreed with him “on the importance of working together to support Ukraine and to hold Russia accountable for its aggression”reports the White House.

The president of ECOWAS says he “wants to bring Ukraine and Russia closer together”. Africa “brings peace and wants to bring these two brotherly countries closer together”, Ukraine and Russia, said the current president of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Bissau-Guinean Umaro Sissoco Embalo, during a visit to Ukraine. He is the first African president to visit kyiv since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24.

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