“France does not lead by example”, according to the Bloom association

“There is no political will in France to limit the most impactful fishing gear”, denounced Thursday on franceinfo the scientific director of the Bloom association, Frédéric Le Manach.

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While it has the second largest maritime area in the world, “France does not lead by example” concerning sustainable fishing, estimates Thursday, February 9 on franceinfo the scientific director of the association Bloom Frédéric Le Manach. According to Ifremer, the objectives of 100% sustainable fishing set for 2020 at European level are far from being achieved. Frédéric Le Manach denounces a lack of “political will” In France. “President Macron communicates on a level of protection of 30% of French waters, but we have less than 1% of the waters that are protected in mainland France.” In particular, it calls for “dislodge” French fishing.

franceinfo: Why is this objective of 100% sustainable fishing in your view more complicated than expected?

Frederic Le Manach: Because there is no political will in France and Europe to limit the most impactful fishing gear, such as trawls, which are very heavy, very large gear and have a disproportionate impact on marine habitats and the species that live there. The government and President Macron communicate a lot about a level of protection of 30% of French waters, but we have less than 1% of waters in mainland France that are protected. What are called marine protected areas actually allow the destruction of marine ecosystems and the practice of industrial fishing. This tool is useless and has no vision, protection or recovery of ecosystems.

Are other countries doing better?

In Europe, not really. The United Kingdom has somewhat taken the opposite view of European policy. It is really the first country, at least in the sense of geographical Europe, to ban bottom trawling in its marine protected areas. It has a very significant impact and it will have a very beneficial impact on the reconstitution of marine ecosystems. Apart from that, the countries follow somewhat the same policy as France in Europe. But France has a particularly important role since, with the United States, they are the two countries with the largest marine area in the world. France must therefore lead by example. She currently does not.

Should these trawls disappear?

Yes. The trawl is destined to disappear anyway. Not immediately. We are obviously not in favor of putting all the fishermen who practice it out of work, but we need a rapid and radical transition. Currently, the trawl is clearly the fishing tool that is the least selective, the most impactful and also the most energy-consuming. We need a lot of fuel to use these fishing gear at depths that can reach several hundred meters. So, in the context of the fight against climate change or the fight against the erosion of biodiversity, we have a really rapid and drastic need to clear French fishing.

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