France condemns the “use of the territory” of Belarus by the Russian army

Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian again condemned the Russian invasion “in the strongest terms”.

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The Russian-Ukrainian border is not the only theater of Moscow’s military maneuvers. In a press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs published on Thursday 24 February, France condemned “the use of the territory of Belarus authorized by the Lukashenko regime to carry out this aggression against a sovereign country”.

Ukrainian border guards announced a breakthrough of Russian forces in the Kiev region, after entering through the Vilcha border crossing on the border with Belarus. Russian troops and assault tanks had been spotted in the previous days, only 150 km of the Ukrainian capital.

Jean-Yves Le Drian again condemned “in the strongest terms” the russian invasion, “a brutal violation of international law”. The ministry has also activated a crisis unit to help French nationals in Ukraine. Paris will also “further strengthen its support for Ukraine, in all its forms”added the Minister.

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