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On Wednesday, September 14, the European Court of Human Rights ordered France to re-examine the requests for repatriation of the families of jihadists stranded in Syria.
After months of fighting, Albert, 67, savors his victory. The European Court of Human Rights condemned France to reconsider the requests for repatriation of the families of jihadists, Wednesday September 14. Albert hopes that his daughter and grandson, who are still in Syria, will be repatriated quickly. “I hope they won’t spend another winter there, because my grandson is three and a half years old”he confides.
Seized by the parents of two young French women detained in Syria, the European Court of Human Rights, based in Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin), condemned France to act to repatriate them as quickly as possible. The government took note of this condemnation, but recalled that France had already repatriated several families of jihadists in early July. “We did not wait for the decision of the European Court of Human Rights to move forward. Since, this summer, France proceeded to the repatriation of sixteen women, who were in north-eastern Syria, and of about thirty childrensaid Olivier Véran, the government spokesperson.