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Florence Portelli, LR vice-president of the Île-de-France regional council and spokesperson for Valérie Pécresse, was the guest of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Friday February 4.
Tensions are still high between Ukraine and Russia. Emmanuel Macron is trying to mediate between Vladimir Putin, NATO and the Western allies. Asked about the strategy that Valérie Pécresse, the Republican candidate for the presidential election, would adopt if she came to power, Florence Portelli, her spokesperson, estimated on Friday February 4 that “ambition [du chef de l’État] is late“.”You have to have both humility and ambitionsays the vice-president LR of the regional council of Île-de-France on the “4 Truths” set on France 2. France cannot be a spectator, it must be an inspiration.”
“France was a spectator for a very long timeJudge Florence Portelli. Emmanuel Macron has received Vladimir Putin only once. We had to work with Russia well in advance. Today, the main thing is to say to Russia: ‘We listen to you, we respect you’, because it also has its interests to defend, and at the same time, we will be very vigilant on the integrity of Ukraine, its borders, its territory.” For Valérie Pécresse’s spokesperson, it is then necessary to be “mediation force, but not at the last moment“Candidate LR therefore proposes a European defense security conference,”as was done with the Helsinki agreements“, specifies Florence Portelli.