France calls for an “impartial investigation” after allegations of executions of Armenian prisoners

A video posted on social networks shows the execution of at least seven men, presented as Armenian prisoners, riddled with bullets by soldiers presented as Azerbaijani.

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The head of French diplomacy Catherine Colonna asked Tuesday, October 4 the launch of a “impartial and independent investigation” after the broadcast on social networks of a video presented as the execution of Armenian prisoners by Azerbaijani soldiers.

“The execution of prisoners of war constitutes a war crime. There can be no impunity”launched Catherine Colonna during the session of questions to the government at the National Assembly. “France stands in solidarity with the Armenian people and has called for the launch of an impartial and independent investigation”did she say.

This video, massively broadcast online in recent days, shows the execution of at least seven men, presented as Armenian prisoners, riddled with bullets by soldiers presented as Azerbaijani. “The international community must condemn these war crimes and take steps to stop Azerbaijani aggression”Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian tweeted on Sunday.

In mid-September, at least 286 people were killed in clashes on the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan, two former Soviet republics in conflict since 1991. Yerevan (capital of Armenia) accused Baku (capital of Azerbaijan) of to be at the origin of the aggression and to have carried the fights in Armenia. “Azerbaijan’s recent armed incursions are extremely serious”denounced Catherine Colonna, believing that these events had also “revealed Russia’s inability to play the role of arbiter” in this conflict between the two Caucasian countries.

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