France Bleu Saint-Etienne-Loire partner of the Paddle Trophy 2022 on June 25 and 26 in Saint-Victor-Sur-Loire

Sunday June 26 from 09 a.m. France Bleu Saint-Etienne Loire will be live for the Beach Clean’up, let’s clean up the banks of the Loire together

Whether you are an expert or an amateur, whatever your level of paddle, you can take part in this great race on the water.

Discover the Loire by cutting through the canyon along the still wild banks of Saint-Victor-sur-Loire.

Organizer of the Corsica Paddle Trophy in Ajaccio, the Loire Paddle Trophy team promises you two days of sport and fun. So join your paddle (or the one you can rent) to the others and go sliding on the Loire!

We will start on Saturday June 25 afternoon with the Paddle races: 3 km leisure, 13 km amateurs, 18 km elite

Animations of pleasure and relaxation for all close the day.

Sunday morning: Walk on water for the benefit of the CHUkids 42 association (help for children hospitalized in the Loire)
Discovery hike, introduction to paddle with the elites of the discipline. Rental and registration possible on site.

And in the afternoon, Kids Trophy, “Technical race elite” amateur and leisure and we close the weekend with a prize giving

Information and registration on

Come and have fun on the Loire!

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