France Bleu Pays de Savoie supports “Acting for the Future of Savoy”

The objective of “Acting for the Future of Savoy” is to support for this 2nd edition projects around three themes:

  • Successful economic and energy transition.
  • Promote well-being together.
  • Preserving and enriching heritage.

Innovate in recycling

The number one winner for this theme is the J’aime Boc’oh association, with the “Pains pas Perdus” project.

We want to create an activity for collecting and recycling unsold bread in Savoie. – Baptiste BOURDEAU, I love BOC’OH

Crédit Agricole des Savoie will support this project with €40,000.

Promote the practice of sport in connection with nature

The No. 1 winner for this theme is the Annemasse Sports Handicap association.

It is often difficult or even impossible for people with disabilities to be able to share sports activities in the great outdoors. – Olivier MATRINGE, Annemasse Sports Handicap association.

Crédit Agricole des Savoie will support this project with €37,000.

Promoting youth entrepreneurship

The winner of this theme is “Le Tremplin Annecy”.

This project consists of the opening of a mixed place of restoration and culture on the Annecy basin. A unique and original place that will offer a varied catering offer by hosting several restaurateurs. – Stéphane TRANCHANT, the Annecy Springboard.

Crédit Agricole des Savoie will support this project with €40,000.

To find out the list of all the winners of the 2022 edition of “Agir pour l’Avenir des Savoie” direction

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