France Bleu Paris offers you 250 euros of fuel cards

Not easy lately to refuel! If the stations are replenished again, the prices still remain high. That’s why France Bleu Paris has decided to give you a little help!

Every day, Immediate boarding offers you the possibility of win one of the 5 fuel cards stakes worth 50 euros.

How to play ?

Only one thing to do, call your radio at and sign up to play live on the Embarquement Immédiat show between 11 a.m. and 12 p.m.

Once on the air, you will have to try to correctly answer as many questions as possible. 1 question, 5 seconds of reflection. If the thinking time is exceeded or if the answer is wrong, the game ends.

No tie possiblethe listener who answers the greatest number of questions in a row, is declared the winner of the day.

Good luck to everyone

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