France Bleu Lorraine supports the Telethon 2021: Innovating to heal

See you on December 3 and 4 for the 35th edition of the Telethon! Discover the actions carried out by volunteers near you, such as in Lutzelbourg or Thionville, participate and register your event.

Innovate to Heal

The 2021 Telethon will be one of reunions! After a 2020 Telethon disrupted by the health crisis, the 35th Telethon will be festive and united, reviving its values ​​of conviviality in the field!

The Telethon 2021 is also that of victories won and to come. Because yes, the Telethon – thanks to popular mobilization – has already changed everything for Victoire, for Jules and for other children suffering, like them, from rare diseases.

Submit your events for the Telethon!

You organize a march, a sale of Telethon products, an evening, a tournament or any other event for the benefit of the Telethon: register in the module below and they will be read on the air.

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France Bleu Lorraine, partner of the Telethon 2021

France Bleu Lorraine as close as possible to this great manifestation of solidarity that is the Telethon and its volunteers. Find the highlights in Moselle throughout the week and weekend on the air, on and our social networks.

  • The Caravan of Hope: Moselle firefighters will cycle nearly 240 km! Departing from Lutzelbourg next Thursday, December 2, they will cross many municipalities (Longeville-les-St-Avold, Creutzwald, Moulins-les-Metz …) to arrive in St Julien-les-Metz the next day: they will obviously collect all of them. your donations along the way.
  • Ethan, 4 years old, Telethon 2021 ambassador in Moselle: he is just 4 years old, he comes from Neufvillage and suffers from a rare genetic disease, myotubular myopathy which results in muscle weakness and respiratory distress.
    He will be one of the faces of the fight against the disease and the hopes of a cure.

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>>> To listen again: Gérald Brun (Telethon Moselle-Est coordinator and firefighter) tells us more at the microphone of Céline Krouchi in the shining Lorraine.

Thionville, the city of light!

Eight municipalities will be a red thread challenge during the 30 hours by recomposing the word TELETHON with their initial. And it is the city of Thionville which will open the ball on December 3: it left for a new challenge, filmed by the cameras of France Televisions.

To embody the first letter of the word Telethon, head to Thionville which will pay tribute to its industrial know-how in erecting a steel “T” 10 meters high. An XXL letter illuminated with hundreds of LEDs will gradually take shape on the town hall square.

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You can also find the many events organized in Moselle – more than 140 this year – on the Telethon Moselle website.

Support, act, give!

Supporting the AFM-Telethon association is help researchers develop innovative therapies to cure rare diseases. It is also helping the association to set up new social actions to support patients and families at each stage of the disease.

>>> To donate online
>>> By phone at 3637
>>> By SMS: send DONATION to 92007

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