France Bleu Champagne-Ardenne celebrates spring and offers you many gifts on this occasion

In March, France Bleu Champagne-Ardenne celebrates spring : the return of the birds, the flowering trees, the light and pleasant scents…

All this week, wind of spring happiness will blow on the Champagne-Ardennes waves of France Bleu, since we will give several gifts in order to make the most of outdoor activities such as gardening and DIY.

You will then be armed against the weeds and ready to enhance your garden

What to win, and when?

The gifts of this spring game can be won at different times on the air, from March 21 to 27 :

– in 6-9 Monday to Fridaywe will offer every day a pair of gardening gloves of the brand Rostaing,

– in Circuit Bleu, Côté Jeux on 5/5, Monday to Friday at 11 a.m.we will offer a pair of gardening gloves Rostaing as well asa folding shovel Decathlon,

– in Saturday 6-9we will offer a pair of gardening gloves of the Rostaing brand,

– Finally, in the final of 5/5we will offer you a voucher worth 300 euros at the house of Leroy Merlin.

A woman gardening © Radio France

All for enjoy the garden, the sun and your free time in the best conditions !

To try your luck, only one number to dial, the 0.809.400.500 (price of a local call)from Monday March 21 !

Good luck to all and… have a good (start of) spring!

source site-35