Asso on Stage aims to promote other local associations related to environmental issues with cultural stakeholders, as part of a joyful popular education. Its ambition is to contribute to the dynamism of the cultural life of the district. Béatrice Seuzaret, the co-president of the association presents Asso en Scène to us:
Objective of AssoEnScène: organize festive events to raise awareness among all audiences!
– Caroline PAUL
Asso en Scène invites other local associations!
– Caroline PAUL
Jars & Co : 9 Rue Maurice Ravel, in Dijon – 07 49 83 35 84
– Caroline PAUL
Recycling Bourroches: 11 Rue du Nuits Saint-Georges, in Dijon -
Recycling Montmuzard: 5 East Street, in Dijon – – [email protected]
Asso en Scène is waiting for you this weekend!
> at 6:30 p.m., meeting with 3 local associations: Recyclade, Bocaux & Co and Arborescence and at 8 p.m., gesticulated conference “Waste and Men” by Tifen Ducharne.
– Friday April 8, 2022 at the Center Social le Tempo, 21 rue Maurice Ravel in Dijon
– Saturday April 9, 2022 at Espace Baudelaire, 27 avenue Charles Baudelaire in Dijon
“Waste and Men” is a gesticulated conference signed Tifen Ducharne. It is a reflection on objects: why we create them, why we love them, why we abandon them. Between the conference and the show, to say, laugh and act together…