France Bleu Bourgogne finds you a job!

Recruiters offer you:

The Castle Farm in Chevigny St Sauveur is looking for:

  • A saleswoman or salesperson for his producer’s store
Saleswoman ©Getty

To apply: Go directly to the castle farm located at 4 rue du château in Chevigny St Sauveur or call: 06 95 11 83 88

the Children and Youth Department of the Community of Communes of Gevrey Chambertin and Nuits St Georges is looking for:

  • A manager of a multi-care center for young children: you are responsible for and manage an establishment for young children with 18 places. You implement service projects and coordinate the resulting activity projects. You support early childhood professionals and parents in the care of children.
  • Managers and facilitators of peri-extracurricular sites: you will be responsible for extracurricular and extracurricular leisure activities on the community territory. You play an interface role between the child, the family, the school, and the other partners concerned.
  • A CLAS referent (local school support contract): you participate in the coordination and implementation of school support missions for elementary and middle school children in the community as part of the overall project of the EPCI in conjunction with institutional and associative partners. You play an interface role between the child, the family, the school, and the other partners concerned
  • CLAS facilitators (local education support contract): you are responsible for and manage an 18-seat establishment for young children. You implement service projects, and coordinate the resulting activity projects…
CLAS animator
CLAS animator © Maxppp
Armand FLOHR

To apply :

The Azureva holiday village in Metabief is looking for:

Chef ©Getty
Ryan McVay
Bartender/Barmaid ©Getty
Dex Images

To apply:

If you too are recruiting, contact us on 03 80 42 15 15 or send us an email to [email protected] and place your advertisement on our antenna. It’s free !

Find all the announcements live on our antenna from Monday to Friday at 6:16 or 8:25 a.m. and on weekends at 7:52 a.m.

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