France Bleu Azur tests summer hikes in the Alpes Maritimes: The Fenestre circuit

Direction the circuit of Fenestre

Dominating the sanctuary of the Madonna, the eastern and western peaks of Fenestre frame the homonymous pass, a strategic passage if ever there was one, as it is the weak link (2,474 m) of the border ridge linking Haute Vésubie to the Italian Val Gesso.

It also seems logical to find in these places the traces of an important military past and to benefit consequently from wide paths where the progression seems facilitated and where the gaze can wander towards the grandiose peaks of the circus of the Madonna.

Formerly frequented by the Romans, the Benedictines or the Dukes of Savoy, the Col de Fenestre has served in turn in history as a complement or alternative to the neighboring Col de Tende, an easier passage because it is much lower (1,871 m).

Linking the villages of Entracque and Saint-Martin-de-Vésubie, the Col de Fenestre allows you to discover Italian Piedmont, crowned in the distance by the snowy peaks of the Val d’Aoste (Matterhorn, Monte Rosa…).

Daniel’s pictures

The Col de Fenestre – Daniel Blanc – Department of the Alpes Maritimes
Daniel White
Ibex on the way
Ibex on the way
Daniel White
One of the lakes on the way to the Fenestre circuit - Daniel Blanc - Alpes Maritimes department
One of the lakes on the way to the Fenestre circuit – Daniel Blanc – Alpes Maritimes department
Daniel White
A view from the Fenestre circuit
A view from the Fenestre circuit
Daniel Blanc – Alpes Maritimes Department
The peaks from the Fenestre circuit
The peaks from the Fenestre circuit
Daniel Blanc – Alpes Maritimes Department
The stone stairs on the Fenestre circuit
The stone stairs on the Fenestre circuit
Daniel Blanc – Department of Alpes-Maritimes

Listen to the hiking podcast

Practical information for this hike is on the site Randoxygene and you can download the free Randoxygen guides HERE

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