France, “at the top”, “crossed a nice stage” by beating Ireland, rejoices Raphaël Ibañez

It was a European rugby summit on Saturday night” and “we have the feeling of having taken a nice step in this Six Nations Tournament“, indicated this Sunday on franceinfo Raphaël Ibañez, general manager of the XV of France, after the victory of the Blues 30 to 24 against Ireland on Saturday evening.You had to be strong“, he admitted, facing the Irish “third in the world and undefeated for 9 games“. Finally, for Raphaël Ibañez, “what stands out after this match is the state of mind, the solidarity, displayed by the players“.”It was fantastic to see them give themselves body and soul to defend the line and win.“, he summarized, while remaining cautious about the rest of the competition.

franceinfo: Did your players please you on Saturday evening?

Raphael Ibanez: We have the feeling that we have taken a good step in this Six Nations Tournament. It’s only the second game, but you had to be strong to beat these Irish. There is one fact that should not be underestimated, it is physical preparation. We had the opportunity to come together 15 days before the first match against Italy with a rise in power in the competition while waiting for this psychologically strong, very important match against Ireland. Then there is the strategic aspect. What stands out after the match on Saturday evening is the state of mind, the solidarity displayed by the players, and that is precious and essential.

Is it the collective that counts?

Yes, especially in the configuration of this meeting with an enormously intense start to the match. A very accomplished first half and the Irish who played at their level. They are third in the world and they were undefeated for 9 games. But incidentally, we had perhaps forgotten that the last team to beat them was the XV of France. In very difficult moments, especially in the second half, it was fantastic to see the players give themselves body and soul to defend the line and win.

About ten minutes from the end, there was a small moment of weakness. Were you afraid of a late game reversal?

Above all, we were extremely concentrated because the game of the Irish is very fluid. This is a team that has been used to playing together for a long time. But there was trust. Confidence in the finishers, these players who are no longer substitutes and who come to finish the job of the friends who gave themselves well in the first half. Although it took us a bit of time to really make the connection between those who deserved to rest and those who came in, the finishers were exemplary in solidarity. This is what made the difference and the public at the Stade de France felt it.

Does playing at home help too?

Yes, totally. It’s incredible, we really feel a public that wants to vibrate for this team, which wants to follow it, and that’s something that can motivate us, carry us, and which carries the players because the XV de France, little by little, is beginning to embody something for French rugby fans. It was a European rugby summit on Saturday night. There are 3 left including two trips, to Scotland, to Wales, where we will be expected and the last match against England at the Stade de France, but today we are above all trying to enjoy with the guys who have been in the top.

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