In an open letter, the France Assos Santé federation announces the filing of a complaint against the RATP. She denounces the presence of posters, in the corridors of the metro and near schools, in December and January, promoting alcohol.
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The France Assos Santé federation is filing a complaint this Wednesday against the RATP for posters which promoted alcohol last December and January in the corridors of the metro and near schools, franceinfo learned via the open letter from the federation. .
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In this open letter addressed this Wednesday to the CEO of the RATP and former Prime Minister Jean Castex, France Assos Santé affirms that it no longer “never want to see the promotion of alcohol on the way of schoolchildren and the youngest, in the corridors of the metro and on the buses of the RATP”.
The Federation then directly challenges the CEO of the RATP: “You cannot be indifferent to the effects of the advertising campaign on your transmission lines from December 2022 to January 2023”writes France Asso Santé adding: “Schoolchildren, middle and high school students and students in Paris using the metro have been subjected to an aggressive campaign promoting strong alcohol and wine at the table”.
“It was found that there were educational establishments near the stations where these huge posters were displayed”
Claude Rambaud, vice-president of France Assos Santéat franceinfo
Note that promoting alcohol is not prohibited, however, doing so near a school, college or high school is not allowed: “Even if there is the small banner to say that it is dangerous, we must avoid putting them in stations near schools because there, young people park in front of the posters when they wait for the metro”explains to franceinfo Claude Rambaud, the vice-president of France Assos Santé.
In addition to France Assos Santé, the National League against Cancer, the National Union of Family Associations (Unaf) and the National Federation of Friends of Health (FNAS) have decided to join in this filing of a complaint against “the promoters of this pro-alcohol poster campaign”. The Federation recalls that each year, alcohol kills 40,000 people in France.