Video length: 2 min.
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Emmanuel Macron denounced an attack of absolute cowardice. The Prime Minister went there on Thursday, June 8, while in the Assembly, the deputies observed a minute of silence. Everywhere, the emotion is extremely strong.
On the morning of June 8, all the deputies gather after the announcement of the attack in Annecy (Haute-Savoie). The Head of State strongly condemns: “Attack of absolute cowardice this morning in a park in Annecy. Children and an adult are between life and death. The Nation is in shock. (…).“ The Prime Minister went there and said to herself “upset by this heinous, unspeakable act“.
An indecent political recovery
For the president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, Laurent Wauquiez, the attack is “the top of the abomination“. The whole political class is moved. The drama put an end to the electric debate this morning on the pension reform, replaced by a controversy. The right and the extreme right denounce massive immigration. On the left, the deputies judge a political recovery indecent.