France and the European Union condemn “with the greatest firmness” the Hamas attack against Israel

Reactions in the international community are unanimous after the massive operation launched by the Palestinian Islamist movement on Saturday morning.

The reactions were quick. Many European countries condemned the surprise attack carried out by Hamas from the Gaza Strip against Israel on Saturday October 7, starting with France. Paris “condemns in the strongest possible terms the ongoing terrorist attacks against Israel and its population”, the Quai d’Orsay said in a press release. On X (formerly Twitter), President Emmanuel Macron himself condemned “firmly” these attacks and expressed his “full solidarity with the victims, their families and loved ones”.

>> Hamas attack on Israel: follow the evolution of the situation live

The European Union, through the voice of the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, also sentenced “unequivocal” these attacks, carried out in the air and on the ground. This is terrorism in its most despicable form. Israel has the right to defend itself against such heinous attacks.”, she declared on X. “We are following the news from Israel with anxiety (…) This horrible violence must stop immediately. Terrorism and violence solve nothing”underlined for his part the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell. “The EU expresses its solidarity with Israel in these difficult times”he added.

Ukraine supports Israel in its “right to defend itself”

Same condemnation from Germany, where Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock assures Israel of its “solidarity”. Italy also supports “Israel’s right to defend itself” against “the brutal attack” in progress against innocent civilians”. The British government, for its part, denounces “unequivocally the horrific attacks by Hamas against Israeli civilians”. Spain said it was shocked by the “blind violence” of this offensive.

Ukraine, at war since February 2022 with Russia, for its part affirmed to support Israel in its ” right to defend oneself and one’s people.”. As for Russia, it called for “detention”.

source site-29