France advises to postpone “non-essential” trips to the country

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1:13 p.m. : The Foreign Office advises postponing non-essential travel to Ukraine, amid Western fears of a Russian attack.

1:08 p.m. : This is a new “emergency aid package” in preparation which will still have to be validated by the European Parliament and the Member States, specified the President of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. She also said that since the start of the conflict in 2014, the EU and its financial institutions had already mobilized “17 billion euros in grants and loans” for the benefit of Ukraine.

1:16 p.m. : The European Commission proposes to increase its financial support to Ukraine to the tune of 1.2 billion euros, to help this country meet its needs linked to the ongoing conflict with Russia.

12:34 p.m. : It’s noon, so it’s time to make a new point on the news.

• The vaccination pass comes into force today and replaces the health pass. It becomes compulsory for people over 16 wishing to go to a restaurant, go see a show or take the train.

•Soldiers took up position in front of national television in Ougadougou, the capital of the African country, according to an AFP journalist. Yesterday mutinies took place in hundreds of barracks across the country.

• NATO countries have placed forces on standby and sent ships and combat aircraft to reinforce their defense in Eastern Europe. The United States and the United Kingdom have announced the withdrawal of personnel from its embassy in Kiev in the face of the “growing threat” of Russia.

• French fashion designer Thierry Mugler died yesterday at the age of 73. “natural death”, He had reigned over the fashion of the 1980s and continued to delight international stars with his spectacular outfits with marked silhouettes.

11:33 am : Tension continues to mount in Ukraine. NATO countries have placed forces on standby and sent ships and fighter planes to strengthen their defense in Eastern Europe, the North Atlantic Alliance said in a statement. A response to Russia’s military activities on Ukraine’s borders.

10:17 a.m. : After the United States, it is the turn of the United Kingdom to announce the withdrawal of personnel from its embassy in Kiev in the face of the “growing threat” of Russia. For its part, the European Union has announced that it sees no reason to “dramatize” tensions between Ukraine and Russia. Moscow is accused by the West of having massed tens of thousands of soldiers on the Ukrainian border and of preparing an imminent invasion of its neighbor.

09:14 : Ukraine ruled “premature” and “excessive” Washington’s decision to recall the families of its diplomats stationed in Kiev amid fears of a Russian invasion. “While respecting the right of foreign states to ensure the security of their diplomatic missions, we consider this action by the US side to be premature,” Ukrainian diplomacy spokesman Oleg Nikolenko said in a statement.

08:44 : The European Union does not intend to follow the example of the United States, which asks the families of its diplomats to leave Ukraine. It was Josep Borrell, the head of European diplomacy, who announced it this morning. “I think that we should not dramatize the situation and that we must leave Ukraine, unless the United States provides us with information that justifies this decision”, he said before a videoconference interview with the head of the American diplomacy Antony Blinken.

07:13 : The US State Department yesterday ordered the evacuation of the families of its diplomats stationed in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. In question, a situation “unpredictable” Who “may deteriorate at any time”, according to a statement from the US State Department. American nationals residing in Ukraine were also invited to “consider leaving”, faced with the threat “of a Russian invasion”.

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