France 3 forced to turn everything upside down urgently!

The state of health of Michel Drucker worries. This Wednesday, February 8, 2023, the host of Can’t wait for Sunday been “hospitalized in Île-de-France for a battery of medical tests“, according to information from the Parisian. Our colleagues report that these examinations would be linked to his heavy heart operation suffered in 2020. “We agreed with Michel that he take the time to rest after his exams. I talk to him every day and he is doing very well”, would have entrusted Stéphane Sitbon-Gomez, the director of antennas and programs of the public audiovisual group.

Forced to take a break, Michel Drucker should not be able to host his weekly show for several weeks. France 3 has therefore made the decision to switch to rebroadcasting this weekend. Besides Long live Sunday, the husband of Dany Saval must also put his only autobiographical scene aside. He is expected to return on March 14, 2023.

A major heart operation

In 2020, Michel Drucker was hospitalized following an infective endocarditis followed by a triple bypass. “My heart was stopped for a few hours and hooked up to a machine. There, I realized I had come close to disaster”, he confided in the columns of Parisian.

The animator who describes himself as a hypochondriac had nevertheless ended up regaining the hair of the beast. “Actually, I’m more resilient than I imagined. I have a very strong mind,” he confided in an interview for Soir Mag. “I’m doing the bike again that I discovered at 50, even if I’m a little Sunday runner”. For Michel Drucker, there is no doubt that sport saved his life.


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