France 2 star forced to do her mea culpa after being “rude” during a show

Laurent Ruquier knows the advantages but also the disadvantages of celebrity. By going to the theater a few days ago, the host was once again able to realize this. “Last Friday, I made three recordings of ‘Children of TV’ in one afternoon (…) Me, afterwards, I’m a little exhausted, the week has just ended, and I have to go see, for fun and for the Saturday night show [‘On est en direct’ sur France 2, NDLR] the very good musical ‘Les Producteurs’ at the theater in Paris, at 8 pm sharp “, he begins by recounting this Monday, November 29, 2021 in his show” Les Grosses Têtes “on RTL.

While he intended to attend the musical “Les Producteurs” at the theater in Paris in complete discretion, Laurent Ruquier was approached by a rather insistent man. “So moto-taxi, the mess, I barely have time to put on some shells and there I find myself at the theater. And there is one of the producers, there are obviously many of them, who says to me: ‘Sit down -you here, I’ll sit next to you. ‘ I say to myself ‘Oh damn …’ “, continues the host-star of France Televisions. A reaction that Laurent Ruquier still regrets today. “And there I sit, and I made my Thoen, I admit I was unpleasant .. And I still want to apologize, to be forgiven by him,” he says. “Tired” of his week and just wanting to relax in front of a “very good musical” without talking, Laurent Ruquier has lost his nerves. “At the 3rd question, I can’t take it anymore, and there I was unpleasant, I said: ‘Listen sir, I didn’t come to do an interview, I’m just waiting for the show begins’ “, admits the host. It must be recognized that Laurent Ruquier has a particularly sustained pace. Between “Les Grosses Têtes”, “We are live” and “The Children of TV”, not to mention his activity in the theater … The host does not have a second to breathe. Fault confessed is half redressed ?


See also: Laurent Ruquier criticizes Nathalie Marquay live on C8!

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