Fox News host Tucker Carlson taunted for masculinity video

(Washington) A pro-Trump host star of Fox News, the favorite channel of American conservatives, has become the laughing stock of Internet users on Twitter for an epic video presenting a documentary on masculinity, according to him threatened.

Posted at 6:32 p.m.

In this trailer for the future documentary The End of MenTucker Carlson is worried about a “very important subject that nobody covers”, namely “the total drop in testosterone levels in American men”.

Then opens a short clip where young muscular white men wrestle with their bare hands, milk a cow, shoot a gun, chain push-ups or drink raw eggs. Others chop wood or carry tractor wheels, always bare-chested.

In the middle of these images, a naked man, installed high on a rock at dusk, stretches his arms out in front of a small machine sending an orange light towards his crotch.

The audio commentary refers to “men who are tough, […] men who are strong enough to survive. »

The excerpt triggered an avalanche of mockery on social networks, this sequence evoking for many “homosexual eroticism” contrary to the traditional family values ​​widely defended on the air of Fox News.

“You can just change the sound and make it an ad for Grindr,” the gay dating app, quipped a Democratic activist.

In another video clip, Tucker Carlson receives a sports coach from Ohio, promoter of “red light therapy”, a practice which, assures the guest, includes “tanning of the testicles”.

Without explicitly defending this practice, which has not been validated by the medical profession, Tucker Carlson insists on the need to “seek a solution” to the drop in testosterone levels.

Presenting every weeknight the show Tucker Carlson Tonightfollowed by millions of Americans, Tucker Carlson is one of the most popular columnists and television hosts in the United States.

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