Fouzi (Koh-Lanta) separated from his ex because of the game: “It was becoming toxic” (EXCLUDED)

Sad fate for Fouzi, adventurer of Koh-Lanta, The Cursed Totem. During the thirteenth episode broadcast this Tuesday, May 24, 2022, he was forced to leave the adventure. While he was playing an eliminatory round against Olga and Bastien, this 28-year-old financial director from the North came last. An unexpected end game for him who saw himself going further. But disappointment gives way to pride. This survival experience on the other side of the world changed her life in many ways, especially in terms of her love.

Exclusively for Purepeople.comFouzi talks about his new life since his participation in Koh Lanta. If nothing has changed on the professional side, the return has been complicated for his couple. The charming brunette was spinning the perfect love with his girlfriend until admirers solicited him via social networks after seeing him on TF1. “I have been single for a few months. I split up with my ex right after the airing of Koh Lantahe confides. It didn’t go so well because of the messages I received, she very quickly became jealous. It was getting a little toxic and harmful, we preferred to stop there. It’s a bit because of Twitter and Instagram suddenly…

Since this breakup, the handsome Fouzi has been a heart to take. So the flirt messages, “that [le] make laugh“.”I get sometimes weird messages to be honest, I avoid answering. We can say that I have benevolent messages and some admirers who also send me a few words. I take it well, and it’s my father who will be happy because he’s been trying to marry me for years“, he adds, amused. Perhaps he will announce good news soon, as Maxime has just done. His comrade from the red team, indeed revealed to us that he had proposed his beautiful companion. There is no doubt that the whole team Koh Lanta will be invited to celebrate love!

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