fourteen French legionnaires of Ukrainian origin interviewed by their hierarchy as they prepared to join Poland

The soldiers were on board two buses carrying Ukrainians leaving for Poland, a country bordering their country of origin. They were checked during an operation by the Paris police headquarters overnight from Tuesday to Wednesday.

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Fourteen French legionnaires of Ukrainian nationality are currently being heard by their hierarchy after having tried to leave France for Poland, while Ukraine has been at war for a week against the Russian invasion, franceinfo has learned from a source. close Wednesday, March 2.

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These legionnaires were on board two buses carrying Ukrainians leaving for Poland, a country bordering their country of origin, which were checked during an operation by the Paris police headquarters overnight from Tuesday to Wednesday. The occupants of the buses were taken to the Migration Control Department.

Of these 14 legionnaires, five were supposed to be on duty in their regiment and were absent “irregularly” – so they can be considered deserters. They will be subject to disciplinary sanctions, which can range from 1 to 40 days of arrest, or even up to radiation.

The other nine were on leave and were carrying no weapons or sensitive equipment. They were transported to the fort of Nogent-sur-Marne – the Legion’s recruitment site – to be heard in order to know if they simply wanted to go and collect their families in the countries bordering Ukraine – which they can be authorized – or if they wanted to go and fight alongside the Ukrainians – which they have no right to do because they are in the service of France.

25 special permits have been issued to legionnaires in the last 48 hours to pick up their relatives at the Ukrainian border, staying in neighboring countries. The French army has 9,000 legionnaires, including 700 of Ukrainian origin. Among these 700, 20 are already considered deserters, not counting the five mentioned above.

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