Four years in prison for threats with an ax

Four years in prison, one year suspended. The correctional chamber of the Bayonne judicial court pronounced a heavy sentence, this Monday, November 14, 2022, against a 31-year-old man whose the nocturnal bloodshed did not go unnoticed. The facts date back to the night of October 6 to 7. Our man had wanted to settle his accounts with an ax, in a public establishment in the Saint-Bernard district of Bayonne.

Knife in hand

It’s around 10 p.m. The man, quite tipsy, bothers customers at the Joko-Club. An establishment with bar, games and “indoor” soccer field. The people in charge of the place ask him to leave the establishment. But he comes back quickly, armed with an ax. At the Joko-Club, it’s panic. The customers flee through the emergency exits, while the man strikes with his ax on the front door and on the cash register. No one is hurt.

Two police officers injured

The police intervene quickly. But the officials of the anti-crime brigade will have to work to control it. One of the officials had to pull out his service pistol to get him to drop his knife. The individual then attempted to flee. Two police officers were punched in the face as they overpowered him. They had to use their stun gun to be able to stop him. The court awarded 1000 euros in damages to each of the police officers struck and 200 euros for the third who was outraged.

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