Bad surprise for motorists, right bank in Bayonne, this Tuesday, October 25 in the morning. They were picked off by traffic jams exceeding the usual disruptions. In question, a narrowing of traffic on the Henri-Grenet bridge, the “red bridge” which spans the Adour to connect the right and left banks, Tarnos and the Bayonne area. Cars now only travel in one lane in both directions, instead of two. In question, the creation of a cycle path whose work will last four weeks.
Diversion set up from Boucau
The work to build the soft route will make it possible to create cycling continuity, to make the link between the two shores. The bikes will travel on a dedicated track, two-way, downstream side of the pont, sea side, so on the left when you arrive from Anglet and boulevard du BAB It will be separated from other vehicles by a concrete curb. The sidewalks will thus be entirely returned to pedestrians. As for the other vehicles, they will continue to circulate on two times two lanes.
© Radio France
Nathalie Bagdassarian
This development requires reducing traffic lanes. Since Monday, the two lanes in the middle of the bridge, i.e. the left lanes in each direction, have been neutralized. The pedestrian crossings on both sides of the structure are also inaccessible. In addition, the access to the roundabout of the Piece-Noyée before the bridge, on the right bank, coming from Boucau is closed. A diversion has been set up via chemin Saint-Bernardforcing vehicles to make a detour to reach the Quai de Lesseps.
Another trail created to Belharra Clinic
Constraints that have led to major traffic jams, at peak times, from the Bayonne station district, from Boucau and in Avenue Henri-Grenet which goes up towards the citadel. This work should last four weeks according to the town hall of Bayonne.
Another cycle path is being created in Bayonne, between the districts of Cam de Prats and Prissé. The work is scheduled until the end of December between the La Redoute and Jupiter roundabouts, on Avenue Duvergier-de-Hauranne. They will make it possible to extend the bidirectional lane dedicated to bicycles from the Nautique roundabout near the city center to the Belharra clinic. In a few months, on the left bank of the Adour, it will therefore be a continuous track of more than 13 kms which will connect the southern end of Anglet, on the border with Biarritz and its lighthouse, to the eastern end of Bayonne, on the border with Saint-Pierre-d’Irube, passing by the beaches and the banks of the river.