four ways to reduce Europe’s energy dependence on Russia

“We have to reduce all our dependencies as soon as possible.” As the European summit in Versailles begins (Yvelines), energy independence from Russia is one of the crucial topics on the agenda, recalled Clement Beaune, Secretary of State for European Affairs, guest of France Inter Thursday March 10.

According to a plan proposed by the European Commission, called “REPowerEU”, the EU27 could reduce their imports of Russian gas by two thirds “from this year” and “not to consume any more of it at all by 2030”detailed Clément Beaune.

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The European Union imports 40% of its gas from Russia. Gold, “By buying Russian gas, we are financing Vladimir Putin’s war” in Ukraine, said the Secretary of State. A relentless war since the Russian invasion on February 24. But the EU’s energy dependence is not limited to gas since 27% of its oil imports and 46% of its coal imports come from Russia, list it commission.

Diversify its suppliers and energy sources, store, save: franceinfo details four avenues which will be discussed on Thursday 10 and Friday 11 March, at the Versailles summit.

1Engage more with other gas exporting countries

First difficulty, EU countries have very different levels of dependency. Several Central and Eastern European countries, such as Austria or Romania, are sometimes dependent on “100% of the gas that comes from Russia”recalled Clément Beaune on France Inter. Germany “is more dependent” that France, “one of the countries with one of the most diversified portfolios in Europe”, explains to franceinfo Sophie Méritet, energy economist, lecturer at Paris Dauphine-PSL University.

To diversify its supplies, the EU could ask its other suppliers to sell it more gas. For now, its main partners are Norway (23% of imported gas), Algeria (12%), the United States (6%) and Qatar (5%), according to the Commission.

Corn it is not enough to want to diversify the gas supply. “There still has to be gas to sell, emphasizes Sophie Meritet. Norway, for example, is at maximum production capacity. Algeria must first respond to its internal demand.”

2Diversify types of energy

EU countries can also mix more energies, with more liquefied natural gas, notably from shale gas, and increase the share of renewable energies, such as biomethane, by using sustainable biomass sources such as waste and agricultural residues, or wind power.

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“That would be rather good news” for the energy transition, says economist Sophie Méritet. But at what cost? For example, for the liquefied natural gasFrance could request “more in the United States and Qatar, but that poses the problem of infrastructure. They are at their maximum capacity today. So investments would be needed.”

However, energy weighs on the budgets of European countries. “Already, this fall, Russia had limited its deliveries to its contractual commitments, so prices were high, with demand greater than supply,” recalls the economist. The war in Ukraine has only aggravated this tension. The Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, even estimated that the current situation was similar to that of the first oil shock, in 1973.

3Increase gas stocks for next winter

Gas needs for winter 2021-2022 are covered, reassured the European Commissioner for Energy, Kadri Simson, on Tuesday March 8. “But we need to urgently replenish our reserves for next year”she warned.

For this, the Commission wants gas storage infrastructures in the EU to be at least 90% full by 1 October each year. At the beginning of March, they are at 30%. A legislative proposal will be offered by April.

Storage is always done in summer, in anticipation of winter, recalls Sophie Méritet. “As there is less demand in the summer, it is cheaper, like foodstuffs. Then, we destock during the winter.” How to explain such a low reserve rate? “The cold winter of 2020 forced Europe to empty its reserves.”

4Improve energy efficiency

Last axis, energy efficiency. It will allow “reduce the use of fossil fuels [comme le gaz] in our homes, our buildings, our industry and our electrical system”, states the Commission.

“We don’t ask for candlelight”reassures the economist Sophie Méritet from the outset. “It’s about having access to the same services, but consuming less energy. For example, in your house, the temperature will be maintained at 20° C thanks to double glazing, home automation… without the consumption increases.”

But some experts and politicians call for going beyond efficiency to gain in sobriety, by consuming less. Lowering the temperature by 1°C in gas-heated homes (10.5 million in France) would, for example, allow Europe to save 10 billion cubic meters of gas in one year. This corresponds to nearly 10% of Russian imports, specifies France 2.

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