These operations gave rise to nearly 600 presentations to a judge and 186 committal warrants, the Ministers of the Interior and Justice announced on Wednesday following the Council of Ministers.
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A new assessment for operations labeled “XXL net space”. These nine anti-drug operations gave rise to nearly 600 presentations to a judge and 186 committal warrants, announced Wednesday April 17 the Ministers of the Interior and Justice, Gérald Darmanin and Eric Dupond-Moretti, at the end of the Council of Ministers. “Out of the nine XXL net operations, there were 3,814 arrests, more than 500 weapons seized, four tonnes of drugs and 20 million euros in new money”detailed Gérald Darmanin.
Launched with great fanfare in Marseille in mid-March, with the surprise visit of the Head of State Emmanuel Macron, this campaign then multiplied in the North, in the Paris region, in the Lyon metropolitan area, in Dijon and in Clermont- Ferrand.
For his part, the Minister of Justice praised the coordination of the various State services in the “pre-judicialization”who has “bearing fruit”. “We have 599 people who have been referred [devant un juge]260 immediate appearances, 83 openings of information [enquêtes]186 committal warrants”, listed Eric Dupond-Moretti. In Marseille alone, the operations gave rise to 461 police custody, 300 referrals and 49 “nuts”either pre-trial detention or other measures restricting freedom.