four tonnes of drugs seized


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“XXL clean space” operations: four tonnes of drugs seized

The nine “XXL net square” operations which began a month ago throughout France would have enabled the police to carry out more than 3,800 arrests. Four tonnes of narcotics were seized, according to the Interior Ministry.


The nine “XXL net square” operations which began a month ago throughout France would have enabled the police to carry out more than 3,800 arrests. Four tonnes of narcotics were seized, according to the Interior Ministry.

Interventions began a month ago throughout France, particularly in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône). In total, the nine “XXL cleanliness” operations would have enabled the police to carry out more than 3,800 arrests and bring 600 individuals before the courts. Sellers and buyers alike are still targets of the government.

A market valued at 2.7 billion euros per year

Across the country, operations continue. In Dijon (Côte-d’Or), Monday April 15, residents already noticed a difference, a few days after the police visited. “There are fewer thugs, there are fewer drug dealers, etc. We are safer”, testified a resident. According to the Ministry of the Interior, the “XXL net square” operations made it possible to seize four tonnes of narcotics throughout the country, as well as 20 million euros. But to eradicate drug trafficking, much more is needed. In France, the sale of narcotics brings in more than 2.7 billion euros per year, according to an INSEE study.

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